We often think of summer music as bright and fun, with images of sunlight, parties, and beaches in mind. But my personal favorite time of day in the summer is dusk – the transition from sunset to nighttime. There’s just something magical about it. Perhaps it’s because of specific, nostalgic memories – being in the crowd at Coachella’s main stage singing along with Arcade Fire at sunset as the last inch of sunlight disappears behind the mountains. Or sitting in the farthest nosebleed seats in the LA Memorial Coliseum at EDC (when it was still in LA!) staring in awe at the sheer mass of people dancing and enjoying life below. Then, as it transitions into nighttime, the energy shifts again and I love the buzz that comes with it. Here are a few songs that are special to me that really encapsulate these feelings! What are some of your favorite songs in this category? – JY